loadshp data/north_carolina/shape/roadsmajor roads utf-8 3358 loadshp data/north_carolina/shape/schools_wake schools utf-8 3358
The SPATIAL_REF_SYS table already contains some row(s)Įnter SQL statements terminated with a ' ' Notice the SQL query which has been created for you in the top right pane, and results in the bottom spatialite test.sqlite Right Click on the MunicipalHalls table and select “Edit table rows”. You can enter your own customised SQL into this panel. Right click on elements of the left panel to select from a list of common database actions. You will notice the display broken into 3 areas: Right click on the MunicipalHallsView table and select “Show Columns” Select File->Connecting an existing SQLite DBīrowse to the /home/user/data/spatialite directory and choose trento.sqlite. Open the Spatialite GUI by selecting Geospatial->Databases->Spatialite GUI.
You can easily see the structure of the tables and dataĬontents using point and click functions, many of which constructĬommon SQL queries, or craft your own SQL queries. Spatialite-gui provides a visual interface for viewing and maintaining a